How Kortext’s pricing works

Kortext Open Resources Collection

In our final blog about our Annual Librarian Survey 2024 (read our blogs on workflow integration and licence models), we’re going explore another perception – that Kortext is too expensive. We can guarantee the lowest price for content In fact, Kortext is not more expensive than other suppliers, and we guarantee to match or beat

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Kortext’s eTextbook and eBook licence models

Librarian exploring Kortext's range of eBook licences

Building on our blog about workflow integration, in this post we’re going to explore another perception expressed by respondents in our Annual Librarian Survey 2024 – that libraries can only purchase digital content from Kortext through the 1:1 eTextbook model. We can offer you a range of licences It’s true that Kortext was traditionally a

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How Kortext integrates with your workflow

Kortext offers EDI integration for acquisitions workflows

Back in April, we conducted our fourth Annual Librarian Survey. As always, we did this to gauge the thoughts of librarians in higher education, understanding their views on where the sector is, as well as to grasp what their frustrations are. This year we had 81 respondents, an increase of 19.1% versus 2023. Within this

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Empowering educators and students in hybrid learning environments

Empowering educators and students in hybrid learning environments

In the post-pandemic landscape, where technology permeates every aspect of our lives, the concept of digital capability has never been more pertinent. But what does it mean? Digital capability encompasses far more than just technical skills; it encapsulates the mindset, aptitude, and proficiency required to not only survive but thrive in today’s digitally-driven world. In

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Transforming higher education with technology

Transforming higher education with technology

In this blog, we take a look at ‘Setting the Curve’, the white paper we launched in partnership with Wonkhe, through the lenses of inclusivity and student engagement. Using insights from this research, we’ll explore how technology can create a more inclusive learning environment for all students in the post-pandemic higher education landscape. Inclusivity through

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Navigating the new horizon: challenges and opportunities in higher education post-Covid


Last month, we launched a white paper in partnership with Wonkhe to explore the landscape for digitally enabled higher education. The echoes of the Covid-19 pandemic have forged a long-lasting impact on higher education, leaving institutions with little choice but to reassess and adapt – or be left behind. In this blog, we delve into

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