
One place for all your eTextbooks

The smart study platform with easy access anytime, anywhere

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Learn without limits

Studying has never been easier with Kortext. Our platform gives you access to all your material whenever and wherever you like with tools to make studying easier, saving you time to concentrate on your learning.

With Kortext you’ll have:

kortext premium

Presenting… Kortext Premium!

The next step in your studying journey is here. Kortext Premium is the future of learning, powered by AI. Be more time-efficient with revolutionary AI study tools and work collaboratively with our Workbooks feature. There’s a whole world of learning possibilities at your fingertips with Kortext Premium.

Access to millions of books

With access to over 4 million digital textbooks, the Kortext bookshelf includes all the learning material and content you’ll need.

Your personal online library will display course material supplied by your university and you’ll have the option to browse other books across multiple categories searching by title, author or ISBN.

It’s easy to use, visit our store now to have a look.

Browse our store

Easy access & personalisation

Signing up is easy. You’ll be given access to your materials and supported all the way by your tutor and Kortext, so you can be learning from day one of your course.

Once signed in to Kortext, you can see your personal bookshelf and have access to your material. You’ll also have the option to customise your own reading experience.

Find out more about our bookshelf

All the tools you need

You’ll have access to everything you need to make studying as efficient as possible.

You’ll be able to search, highlight text and make notes, add bookmarks, copy and paste text, print and much more. Its simple to use and has many interactive features you’ll love!

To find out how you can save time when studying, read more about our online reader.

View online reader features

Jump straight to the section of your choice by clicking these links:

Laptop Masthead Float MS Teams Student

Collaboration with everyone

Share information with your peers and get feedback from your tutors in real-time on your device by using Kortext on Microsoft Teams.

From Teams, you’ll be able to read a book and create and share notes with specific teams or to a channel for collaboration all within.

You’ll always be in contact with the people that matter to you! Find out more about using Kortext and Microsoft Teams.

Using Kortext on MS Teams

Learning on the go

With all your course texts, available 24/7 on your device, you can study effectively wherever you are and at whatever time!

Whether you need iOS, Android, Windows or Mac format, once you’ve got it downloaded you’ll be all set to go and there’s no need to worry about WiFi or using multiple devices as your work syncs across them all.

Find out more about our mobile app reader or download our app and get started.

Download the Kortext app

iPad and phone bookshelf

Ability to customise your reading

We want Kortext to be inclusive for all, so our accessibility tools let you customise your reading in a way that suits you.

You can change font size, style and background colour, or use our Read Aloud option if you’d rather listen to your etextbook.

Find our more about all of our accessibility features.

View accessibility features

Support from Student Minds

We know that being a student isn’t the easiest things in the world and it can definitely take its toll mentally.

To help combat this, we’ve partnered with Student Minds and embedded a direct route to their Student Space to enable students to seek help and advice when they need it most.

With Student Space, students are able to access a plethora of resources online, and find contacts at their own institution for in-person assistance.

Find out more

Student_Space Student Minds Bubble

I used Kortext the most when accessing one of my key course textbooks which related directly to my dissertation. Being able to highlight and make notes in the textbook was SO useful, and it saved me having to buy a physical copy which was great. I really liked that I could easily jump back to sections of text which I’d highlighted previously and not spend ages flicking through a big textbook to find what I needed!

I’d definitely recommend checking Kortext out to see if you have access to your course textbooks, it’s a great resource!


Naomi Jeffery, English Language & Linguistics student, University of Birmingham

Access your material in one place

Study smart and sign up for Kortext to get access to all your books in one place
