Celebrate Pride with diverse reading – for free!

For Pride Month, we’ve compiled a list of free eBooks from our collection of Open Educational Resources (OER) to help you diversify reading lists without breaking the bank. Read on to discover our top ten picks from non-fiction titles recently added to our platform! What is Pride Month? Pride Month, observed annually in June, celebrates

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Black History Month 2023 – decolonising reading lists

Black History Month open educational resources Kortext Open Resources Collection

In the academic year 2020/21, 39.4% of white graduates got a first class degree, compared with 20% of Black graduates, according to government statistics. While the gap between white and Black graduates achieving a first or 2:1 has narrowed (from 26.2% in 2014/15 to 18.6% in 2020/21), there is still much work to be done

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Black History Month 2023 – celebrating Black British female authors

#SalutingOurSisters #WeMatter

This year, Black History Month is dedicated to honouring the achievements of Black women. The theme of ‘Saluting Our Sisters’ recognises the exceptional contributions that pioneering Black women have made to all aspects of society. To that end, we’re sharing a list of ten must-read books to celebrate the outstanding literary contributions of Black British

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Acing accessibility: Kortext maintains top ranking with 100% gold ASPIRE score

ASPIRE inclusive learning and accessibility banner

Kortext has achieved a 100% gold ASPIREscore for the quality of information provided in its accessibility statement, becoming the first major eBook and inclusive learning platform supplier to UK higher education to secure the award in 2023. Ongoing commitment to inclusive learning ASPIRE provides an external verification system and ranking for learning platforms and publishers

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Honouring Black History Month in higher education

When I received the email that confirmed my place at university despite less than impressive grades (I literally have two whole A Levels), I couldn’t help but wonder whether my space was awarded on merit or the fact that I ticked the box that said ‘Mixed Black Caribbean’.  Although we’re living in a more progressive

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The challenges of textbook access, affordability and creating an inclusive learning environment

Students learning

In the last 10 years, the cost of higher education has increased substantially in many countries. Whilst institutions are doing more to widen access and create a culture of diversity and inclusion by breaking down barriers to education, affordability is still a considerable challenge recognised by university applicants and current students, with many affected by

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