Kortext's accessibility features enable inclusive learning
By Melissa Bowden

Five ways Kortext supports accessible learning

July 9, 2024

In 2021/22, disabled students constituted almost a fifth of domestic enrolments in UK higher education, according to HESA. However, statistics show that students with reported disabilities had lower rates of continuation, completion, attainment and progression overall in the same period. Further, students with reported disabilities expressed lower levels of satisfaction than other students with how

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students outside summer
By Kortext Ambassador

How to stay motivated during the summer break ☀️

July 2, 2024

Staying motivated during the summer is crucial for personal growth and academic success. Check out these tips to help you stay on track while still enjoying your summer break and get ready for the next academic year. Set goals Looking for ways to stay motivated this summer? Setting achievable goals can be one of the

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By Kortext Ambassador

Mastering your exams: proven techniques for excelling in test preparation

April 25, 2024

The student life can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially during that period when exams are fast approaching, and that sudden frenzy of panic surges through your body. Even if you have been engaging with your course content and attending lectures, you just can’t help but give in to the ‘that’s it – I’m going to fail

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