Kortext Annual Librarian Survey 2023 – the results!

university librarians

We received a fantastic response to this year’s survey. 68 library staff took part, with roles including Director of Student and Library Services, Acquisitions and Reading List Coordinator, and Faculty Librarian. Over a third of respondents (35.29%) weren’t existing Kortext customers. Our survey this year was in two parts. Section 1 asked about the last

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The changing university library – an interview with Clare West

Clare West

Clare West (Head of Library Services and University Librarian at Bournemouth University) will be a panellist at Kortext’s summer webinar on 6 July. We spoke to Clare about UCAS’ Journey to a Million, the vital role of academic libraries and the importance of partnerships. How do you think libraries will need to change to meet

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The future library – an interview with Lisa McLaren

Lisa McLaren

Lisa McLaren (Deputy Director, SCONUL) will be a panellist at Kortext’s summer webinar on 6 July. We spoke to Lisa about the implications of UCAS’ Journey to a Million and the future of university libraries. One of the aims of the SCONUL Strategy 2023-26 is to support innovation and the transformation of libraries. How do

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How can libraries use social media? 

The average amount of time spent on social media each day worldwide, according to the latest data, is set to hit 147 minutes, or two hours and 27 minutes in 2022. So… how can libraries and their teams leverage some of this time to ensure their libraries remain visible in their communities?  Libraries are integral to

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