Deadline season: how to ace your coursework

Deadline season is coming up once again and while coursework can seem like an overwhelming task, in the end, it does have its benefits believe it or not. Coursework can allow you to gain a deeper knowledge of the topic you’re exploring – making the topic much more digestible for you. On top of this,

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Eight goals for greatness this semester!

Often, when we hear the word ‘goals’, our minds automatically travel up the pitch to football, but what if we told you there were other goals that were, *ahem*, more important? Brace yourselves, because we have compiled a list of eight goals that will help you on your way to greatness this semester.

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Getting ready for January exams!

Look, we know it’s not even something you want to think about until you’ve stuffed yourself silly with Quality Street and festive feasts, but the sad news is… the longer you ignore your January exams, the worse they’ll be. So let’s tackle them head-on. Calm down, it’s not that bad, we’ve got a step-by-step guide

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Kortext’s guide to academic reading

You’re possibly wondering why you’re here. You may have learnt to read back in primary school with a Biff and Chip classic but, now you’re in higher education, what you’re reading is an entirely different calibre to what you have been exposed to before.   What is academic reading? We all approach different texts differently. For

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Studying with Kortext

We know you’re enjoying your summer holidays; exams have been and gone and studying is the last thing on your mind, but it’s never too early to be prepared for your next year of uni. Preparing early could be the key to your success. Finding a study method that works well for you is invaluable

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How to study with Kortext – Spaced practice 

Lady holding lots of notes.

Exam season is approaching faster than the next series of Love Island, meaning you really need to get a move on with revising before exams begin.  Dependent on your course, exams may not even be your only worry. You may have coursework due too, which really emphasises the need for you to get studying sooner

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