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Find study content fast with new subject search and enhanced Collections tab

Christmas is less than six weeks away, but if you can’t wait for the big day, Kortext has an early Christmas present that we know users of the Kortext Arcturus smart study platform will love!

At Kortext, we believe that studying smarter is key to student success, which means spending less time sifting through a sea of irrelevant study content and more time reading the books that matter. Our recent student survey revealed that 69% of students and graduates agree the time-saving features of eTextbooks make them easier to use than print – and this should be true for content discovery too! Which is why we’ve made some platform changes for easier, slicker and faster content discovery.

Let’s talk collections

If you’ve got our Collections tab enabled at your institution on your Kortext account, you might spot a few differences the next time you log in.

Collections sits in the Library area and is where you’ll find any curated collections (such as the 10,000+ titles provided through the Kortext Open Resources Collection) chosen by your institution.

Previously, this tab simply listed the books available, with the ability to search and filter. After a round of enhancements, the tab can now display multiple curated collections, each browsable and searchable in its own right, so it’s easy to find what you’re looking for.

Image shows study content in new Collections tab

Want to revisit a title? Collections also includes a Recently Viewed carousel, showing all the books you’ve read in the last 30 days, so you’re not left thinking, ‘where did I read that?’.

Expand your knowledge: browse study content by subject!

Sometimes, all it takes is the right discovery tools to spark an interest – whether it’s students researching their subject or academics seeking new study content for their reading lists.

Visit the Kortext library and Collections tabs within the Library area to try our new ‘Browse by subject’ feature. Simply select the relevant subject from the list to see what additional content is available to you at your institution through Kortext – perfect for wider reading.

Image shows browse study content by subject feature

You can even search key terms in the Kortext library and Collections tabs and filter by subject to narrow down your options!

Log in to your Kortext Arcturus account today to give it a try.

We’re continuously developing the Kortext Arcturus platform to improve the experience for all our users. Want to know how? Check out our other recent platform enhancements on our dedicated product site or view our Enhanced Content Discovery blog to see how else we’re improving the discovery of study content for students worldwide.
