
Kortext takes to the airwaves with new HE podcast

We all spend far too much time sat at our desks, glued to a screen, so we’ve created something you can consume anytime, anywhere.

Sound a little familiar?

That’s right, we’re taking Kortext to the airwaves with our new podcast – The Bookmark – exploring the perspectives of professionals working in the HE sector. So, grab your headphones and relax for episode one! 

In our inaugural episode of The Bookmark, we’re joined by Oxford University’s Professor Jonathan Michie and widening participation professional, Tim Roe.  

We dissected a topic that’s been on the minds of leaders in higher education since before the pandemic – the Augar review of post-18 education and its funding in England.  

The Government has now published its response nearly three years after Philip Augar and his panel revealed their recommendations for HE reform in May 2019. The report promised to revolutionise the post-18 education system in England; however, some would argue it’s not a case of viva la revolution.  

Tim Roe, who works with PURSUE (Practitioners from Underrepresented Sections United through Education), stated the review has been: “ill-conceived by privileged politicians who fail to understand the communities that they are serving.” 

“We (PURSUE) like to champion the working class voice and the minoritised voice within higher education – I have been able to interview a lot of self-proclaimed and proud working-class academics, people have gone through all the barriers…

“So with that, in some of these reforms and some of the responses that will come out, we’re going to lose sways of people who are incredibly talented who can demonstrate that you could get through to higher education if you do come from minoritised backgrounds, or you’ve had issues…

“and that is going to be a huge loss for the future.”  

To connect with Tim and the causes, feel free to follow his Twitter.

Hosted by Kortext’s Digital Marketing Executive and professional podcaster, Amber Lovell, listeners are taken on a journey through the review and touch on personal opinions from all within the conversation.  

Enough reading, download the podcast from any of the major platforms below, push back from your computer and join us as we go through the Augar Review. 

Click on your preferred platform to listen now! Spotify Apple Podcasts Deezer Digital Download  
