Introducing Kortext Premium...

Kortext Premium is here. A groundbreaking suite of next generation study tools designed to introduce generative AI to your teaching and learning processes. Our newest innovation offers you and your students:

  1. Generative AI tools that only cite trusted sources.
  2. Our largest ever content library.
  3. Time-saving tools that benefit student and academic alike.
  4. Translate tools to support non-native English speakers.
  5. A defined study space for streamlined online learning.
  6. Flexible subscription and payment possibilities.

Register for a 30 minute demo plus time for questions (up to 1 hour) today using our form, and discover how Kortext Premium can transform teaching and learning at your institution.

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    Kortext Premium's cutting-edge features

    Summarise tool

    Cutting-edge generative AI software summarises sections of copy in a matter of seconds, making studying significantly more time efficient.

    AI study notes

    Automatically generated study notes allow the busy student of today to digest the information they need more quickly and easily.


    Students can reinforce their learning and challenge themselves with our innovative, AI-generated question and answer tool.


    Our Citations tool helps to minimise stress by removing any margin for error and can be configured to a selection of the most common formatting styles.


    Embracing the diverse landscape of higher education, our platform allows for translation of content into well over 100 global languages.

    My files

    Premium users get 5GB of cloud storage, allowing them to upload local files and create a comprehensive study space.


    The student can collate all their notes in one place, including those produced by our innovative AI-powered study tools.

    Video collection

    Kortext Premium grants access to our 1.9 million-strong video library, allowing for flexible multimedia learning within our largest ever content collection.

    A revolution is coming...

    Watch the video below to discover more about Kortext Premium.