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Kortext selected to provide eBooks for Library and Knowledge Services across the NHS in England

Kortext and Health Education England are pleased to announce that following a tender process using the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Framework Agreement, Kortext has been awarded a contract to provide eBooks for NHS library services in England.

The contract will enable library services to collaborate to create collections of eBooks which the NHS staff they serve will be able to access on personal bookshelves and download onto their devices.

Helen Bingham, who leads the HEE Knowledge for Healthcare Resource Discovery workstream, said

With the Covid-19 pandemic, we have seen increased demand for eBooks. We were seeking a provider who could offer the NHS a practical, flexible, cost-effective model and we are delighted to have selected Kortext and we look forward to working with their team over the months ahead.

James Gray, CEO and Founder of Kortext, said

The entire NHS has been under strain as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. This has highlighted how healthcare staff can be better supported through digital access to content both on the ward and whilst working remotely. Users will be able to access content both online and offline and Kortext will be working closely with the HEE to shape the future delivery of their service.

About Kortext

Kortext is a leading digital content and personal study platform that delivers secure digital content solutions to universities, governments, companies and training providers across the world. The platform holds over 1m eBooks from over 2,000 publishers including Pearson, McGraw Hill, Wiley, Taylor & Francis, Cengage and Elsevier. Kortext was recently commended for providing free access to textbooks for all UK universities and students under its Free Student eTextbook Programme (FSTP) as a part of its response to the Covid-19 pandemic.


About Health Education England

Health Education England (HEE) exists to support the delivery of excellent healthcare and health improvement to the patients and public of England by ensuring that the workforce of today and tomorrow has the right numbers, skills, values and behaviours, at the right time and in the right place. HEE has stewardship of NHS-funded library and knowledge services in England. HEE’s development programme for NHS library and knowledge services is called Knowledge for Healthcare.

