
Kortext Announced as Platform of the Year at Futurebook 2017

Kortext, the UK’s digital learning platform and eTextbooks provider, secured their first award at the Futurebook Awards for Platform of the Year 2017 (Reference/ Education), on the 1st December in London after the Futurebook conference.

The Futurebook awards are made up of six categories; Futurebook Leader of the year, Disruptor of the Year, Campaign of the Year, Book of the year, Platform of the Year and BookTech Company of the Year. The judging was based on demonstrations of innovation or evolution between 2016-2017, with key criteria including; the effective use of the platform to deliver on its aims, delivery of engaging and innovative content, the design and accessibility of the platform, an innovative marketing strategy to promote the platform and the ability to show measurable results.

Yaz El Hakim, Director of Education stated,

This is a phenomenal public acknowledgment of an exceptional company, a lot of hard work and an amazing platform. I was so excited when Kortext was announced and even leaped onto the stage in a rather overly-dramatic fashion… over-joyed and privileged to accept the award on behalf of Kortext alongside Emma Prowse (Senior Marketing Executive) who was central to the companies award application. I feel it demonstrated both the developments we have made across the business, platform and apps, as well as the growth we have witnessed over the past year.

Sue Black OBE presented the awards and held Kortext’s achievements in high regard.

Driving forward with impressive ambition and working at scale to provide an eTextbook solution… to become a market leader in its field

The Bookseller, 1st December 2017